Spring Onion Oil Mỡ Hành

    SPRING ONION OIL  Mỡ Hành     Where I live we call these spring onions. In other parts of the country and world you might call them scallions, green onion, shallots or something else. In Vietnam they are know as Hành lá.  They are a staple of Asian cooking. They have a great oniony […]

Vietnamese Sate Chilli Oil

  Sa tế   So in my last post I made annatto oil. The reason I made the annatto oil was that I wanted to use it in this sate recipe.  I want to make this sate cause I will be using in a Spicy Beef Noodle soup recipe. Bún bò Huế or BBH for short. […]

Annatto Seed Oil. Dầu hạt điều

  Annatto Oil   I know what your thinking. What is Annatto oil right? Annatto is used in many cuisines including Vietnamese. We use it mainly for its color. Add a bit to your noodle soup broths and it is gives a beautiful yellow to orange color. To make the Annatto oil we add annatto […]

Saba Eats Malacca City – Satay Celup

Malaysia         Saba Eats Malacca City Satay Celup WOW its been a few months now since my last Saba Eats post.  Sorry guys, I’ve been super busy traveling and eating. I know, tuff isn’t? The life of a blogger!! My most recent travels have landed me in Malaysia.  I started my travels […]

Vietnamese Pickled Garlic Chives & Bean Shoots

Now you all know I’m a huge fan of anything pickled. The zesty zing they add to a dish can change a boring meal into something special. In this recipe we are going to make pickled garlic chive and bean shoots. It’s super easy to make and will be ready to eat in just about […]


I’m not going to share the recipe for this dish today as I will share it with you on a later post. Sorry guys. However I will show you how to make the sauce as we will need for an upcoming post. What I really wanted to do today was share with you a story, a very true story. […]

How to make chilli flakes from scratch

Any one who follows my blog will know I’m a big chilli lover. It’s in just about everything I eat. I even have it on my eggs at breakfast time! It doesn’t have to be super hot, but I need to know its there. So with the amount of chilli I eat I always need to have […]

Vietnamese Pickled Carrot and Daikon, đồ chua

đồ chua Vietnamese Pickled Carrot and Daikon I love anything pickled, the zesty zing they add to a dish can change a boring meal into something special. In this recipe we are going to make pickled carrot and daikon. Or đồ chua as its now in Vietnamese. These pickles are best known for being used […]

Nước chấm. Vietnamese dipping sauce

Nước cham You know that saying that goes like this. “we eat with our eyes first” Well this was the dish that taught me that. I remember when I was young and I was helping my mother to make up some nuoc cham, she asked me to chop up the garlic, so I went at […]