Shorty Kun

Hi I’m Shorty Kun


I’m a Maltese Shihtzu

My favourite food is pork belly and cheese.

I’m lucky, I don’t have to eat normal dog food

I love soccer balls and chasing birds around.

Welcome to my dads website.

I hope you can find some interesting eats here

 You might even run into me a few time.

Bye for now

Shorty Kun


Please spread the love!

Comment 3 Replies

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  1. YS Reply

    Hello, Shorty 🐶
    Glad to know you 👋
    One of my favorite food is cheese 🧀 too, H^5 🖐 I would pick up ALL my snacks in cheese favor without hesitation especially cracker 😂😂😂

    Can’t disagree with you that you’re the luckiest ones to have a dad who loves to cook varieties of food. Most importantly is he shares food with you 😄😄😄

    Hope to see you soon, 👌?

  2. Evelyn Reply

    Aww!!! Hello Shorty Kun! Hope to run into you more often. Hey, Saba! I thoughy furry pets are not supposed to eat cheese, chocolate & grapes?

    • Hi Evelyn, I know he can’t have chocolate and grapes but he has always eaten cheese.