The Birth of Saba’s Happy Duck!

  No Crying Tiger Here Only a Happy Duck!   Let me tell you a story about a crying tiger who turned into a happy duck. A few years back I went out to dinner and got a bit drunk. Ok a lot drunk. That’s not the point! Anywayz, during dinner I had one of […]

Saba Eats Malacca City – Chicken Rice Ball

Malaysia   Saba Eats Malacca City Chicken Rice Ball So tis was the morning after my Satay Celup feast.  I woke up excited about what other food this great little city had to offer.   We had decided we where going to try the famous Chop Chung Wah Hainanese Chicken Rice Ball. I had been […]

Love Heart Shaped Spring Onion Garnish

Edible Love heart shaped spring onion garnish. Having a beautiful garnish can lift the look of your dish from simple to down right mouth watering. I find using simple little tricks and changing the shapes of a garnish you already use can really make the food on the plate pop. Just like this love heart […]

Saba Eats Ho Chi Minh City. Part 2

Vietnam! Saba Eats Ho Chi Minh City   Part Two WOW its been a few months now from my last Saba Eats Ho Chi Minh City post. Sorry guys, I’ve been super busy with a few projects and have let the blog slip a bit.  I promise to get back on horse and start posting […]

PORK ON PORK! Vietnamese BBQ Pork Chops

VIETNAMESE BBQ PORK CHOPS   In todays post I’m not really focusing on the food. What I hear you say. That’s right. I said it. I’m not focusing on the food. I’m going to focus on the BBQ I cooked it on. For thoese who know or follow me. You know that I have a […]

BEYOND THE BRAND – 8 Frame Honey

Welcome to the second edition of my new segment. BEYOND THE BRAND! Where I sit down and chat with business leaders in the food industry to find out more about the people that make these companies and brands tick. Hopefully we can get some insight into what makes their companies so great and gain a few […]

Home Made Soy Milk From Scratch

HOME MADE FROM SRATCH When I came to Australia some 40 odd years ago. My family ended up in a little rural Victorian town. It was a little farming community with a rich history in dairy.  A very different setting to the modern-day Melbourne in which I live today. I have very fond memories of […]


Welcome to my new segment. BEYOND THE BRAND  Where I will sit down and chat with business leaders in the food industry to find out more about the people that make these companies and brands tick. Hopefully we can get some insight into what makes their companies so great and gain a few helpful tips […]

How to make chilli flakes from scratch

Any one who follows my blog will know I’m a big chilli lover. It’s in just about everything I eat. I even have it on my eggs at breakfast time! It doesn’t have to be super hot, but I need to know its there. So with the amount of chilli I eat I always need to have […]

Game Day Prawn Platter

I’m a big fan of sports, more so watching then playing it hihi. Of late I’ve been spoiled for choice. World Cup soccer, Wimbledon tennis, golf, football, motorsports. You name it and I’ll watch it. So in today’s post I thought I would show you 3 really simple game day snacks you can prepare in […]

Vietnamese Grilled Pork Marinade

For 1Kg of meat   THE SHOPPING LIST 4 Lemongrass stem, white part only, smashed and roughly chopped  (80g)  1  Large brown onion, roughly chopped 5 Cloves of garlic, minced  1 tablespoon of ground chilli paste  (or 2 fresh chillies minced)  ½ tablespoon of fish sauce  ½ tablespoon of Soy sauce 1 tablespoon of Oyster sauce 1 […]

The Rice Dish! Crispy Rice Balls

Ok, how about we make some rice balls?   What rice balls?  We have all seen boring rice balls before. I hear you say….. Don’t worry, these little bad boys are going to be super crispy on the outside and soft in the middle and explode with Thai red curry flavour goodness!       For […]

District 3429

I visit District 3429   So this week I was out in Sunbury, a township 40km North West of Melbourne. Whilst I was there I dropped in to check out District 3429 a modern Vietnamese restaurant. I was lucky enough to be granted all access to the entire restaurant and got to see everything from […]

The Broken Lion!

 My Cơm Tấm Burger   So in this post today I’m not sharing a recipe with you. Sorry about that.  I just want to share with you one of my cooking stories. I hope it can inspire you to have fun and be creative in the kitchen. Cooking is an essential part of life. We cook […]

Surf N Turf Asian Style

Surf N Turf  Asian Style It’s summer in Australia now and it’s religious here that you fire up the BBQ!! It’s pretty common for us to chuck a couple of snags on there or a rissole or two. But that can get a bit boring at times. There is so much you can cook on […]

Yakiniku Tare, Japanese Grilled Meat Sauce

Yakiniku Tare  Japanese Grilled Meat Sauce Let me tell you a bit of a saucy story!  Many years ago I met this kind and beautiful Japanese girl named Aya.  She would later become my wife. But that’s a story for another time. What did you think I was going to tell you about my love life? […]

Guest Blogging For The Lion! Lion Brand Rice

Lion Brand Rice So this website is only a few weeks old now and I’m super happy how its coming along.  When I started conceiving and building the website, I actually didn’t even know what a blog was. I didn’t even know where to start to create a website. I’m not even that computer literate. All I […]