I often make soy milk at home, it’s cheap and easy to do and only needs 2 ingredients to do. Soy beans and water. Yep that’s it. However making soy milk produces a lot of byproduct or waist. One thing I’m not a big fan of is wasting food.  The byproduct I speak of here […]

Home Made Soy Milk From Scratch

HOME MADE FROM SRATCH When I came to Australia some 40 odd years ago. My family ended up in a little rural Victorian town. It was a little farming community with a rich history in dairy.  A very different setting to the modern-day Melbourne in which I live today. I have very fond memories of […]

Pork Belly Yakitori with only 4 ingredients

I think meat taste better when its on a stick, don’t ask me why I just do. Especially if its getting grilled over a BBQ.  In todays post I’m going to show you how to make a super simple Japanese yakitori. This recipe is so simple that it only has 4 ingredients. That’s if you […]

Surf N Turf Asian Style

Surf N Turf  Asian Style It’s summer in Australia now and it’s religious here that you fire up the BBQ!! It’s pretty common for us to chuck a couple of snags on there or a rissole or two. But that can get a bit boring at times. There is so much you can cook on […]

Yakiniku Tare, Japanese Grilled Meat Sauce

Yakiniku Tare  Japanese Grilled Meat Sauce Let me tell you a bit of a saucy story!  Many years ago I met this kind and beautiful Japanese girl named Aya.  She would later become my wife. But that’s a story for another time. What did you think I was going to tell you about my love life? […]