The Birth of Saba’s Happy Duck!

  No Crying Tiger Here Only a Happy Duck!   Let me tell you a story about a crying tiger who turned into a happy duck. A few years back I went out to dinner and got a bit drunk. Ok a lot drunk. That’s not the point! Anywayz, during dinner I had one of […]


I’m not going to share the recipe for this dish today as I will share it with you on a later post. Sorry guys. However I will show you how to make the sauce as we will need for an upcoming post. What I really wanted to do today was share with you a story, a very true story. […]

Pork Belly Yakitori with only 4 ingredients

I think meat taste better when its on a stick, don’t ask me why I just do. Especially if its getting grilled over a BBQ.  In todays post I’m going to show you how to make a super simple Japanese yakitori. This recipe is so simple that it only has 4 ingredients. That’s if you […]