The Birth of Saba’s Happy Duck!

  No Crying Tiger Here Only a Happy Duck!   Let me tell you a story about a crying tiger who turned into a happy duck. A few years back I went out to dinner and got a bit drunk. Ok a lot drunk. That’s not the point! Anywayz, during dinner I had one of […]

Saba Eats Malacca City – Chicken Rice Ball

Malaysia   Saba Eats Malacca City Chicken Rice Ball So tis was the morning after my Satay Celup feast.  I woke up excited about what other food this great little city had to offer.   We had decided we where going to try the famous Chop Chung Wah Hainanese Chicken Rice Ball. I had been […]

Saba Eats Malacca City – Satay Celup

Malaysia         Saba Eats Malacca City Satay Celup WOW its been a few months now since my last Saba Eats post.  Sorry guys, I’ve been super busy traveling and eating. I know, tuff isn’t? The life of a blogger!! My most recent travels have landed me in Malaysia.  I started my travels […]

Love Heart Shaped Spring Onion Garnish

Edible Love heart shaped spring onion garnish. Having a beautiful garnish can lift the look of your dish from simple to down right mouth watering. I find using simple little tricks and changing the shapes of a garnish you already use can really make the food on the plate pop. Just like this love heart […]

Vietnamese Pickled Garlic Chives & Bean Shoots

Now you all know I’m a huge fan of anything pickled. The zesty zing they add to a dish can change a boring meal into something special. In this recipe we are going to make pickled garlic chive and bean shoots. It’s super easy to make and will be ready to eat in just about […]


I often make soy milk at home, it’s cheap and easy to do and only needs 2 ingredients to do. Soy beans and water. Yep that’s it. However making soy milk produces a lot of byproduct or waist. One thing I’m not a big fan of is wasting food.  The byproduct I speak of here […]

Home Made Soy Milk From Scratch

HOME MADE FROM SRATCH When I came to Australia some 40 odd years ago. My family ended up in a little rural Victorian town. It was a little farming community with a rich history in dairy.  A very different setting to the modern-day Melbourne in which I live today. I have very fond memories of […]

Pork Belly Yakitori with only 4 ingredients

I think meat taste better when its on a stick, don’t ask me why I just do. Especially if its getting grilled over a BBQ.  In todays post I’m going to show you how to make a super simple Japanese yakitori. This recipe is so simple that it only has 4 ingredients. That’s if you […]

Game Day Prawn Platter

I’m a big fan of sports, more so watching then playing it hihi. Of late I’ve been spoiled for choice. World Cup soccer, Wimbledon tennis, golf, football, motorsports. You name it and I’ll watch it. So in today’s post I thought I would show you 3 really simple game day snacks you can prepare in […]

Cheesy Chicken Wings

Who doesn’t like a oozy cheesy meal, and who doesn’t like chicken wings right? I for one love both! The  AFL football season has just started here. So in celebration I’m going show you how to make a yummy cheesy game day snack. It’s a little spicy, very delicious and very cheesy! It’s so easy to make and […]

Steamed scallops with sweet and spicy fish sauce

  I love eating seafood, but funny thing I don’t actually eat it that often. I think the reason being is that I only ever want to eat if I know its super fresh. Another reason maybe cause its so darn expensive. But today I’m eating it, yep I’m eating seafood, and it’s scallops to be exact. […]